20 September 2012 (Thursday)..”^;^”..


      Today is our last class with our beloved lecturer Miss Zu. Everyone looked sad because we cannot be together again in bel311 class again as a lectuter ang student. However as usual Miss Zu tries to makes the entire class smile and happy with her jokes she does not want her student feel sad. In this last class of bel 311, Miss Zu gives us some tips and advice when answer our final exam for bel311. She also tells us to refresh our mind about what was she taught from our first class. This is the photo of our last class with Miss Zu:

 Dear Miss Zuraidah Sumery

Lecturer is like Spring,
Who nurtures new green sprouts,
Encourages and leads me,
Whenever I have doubts.

Lecturer is like Summer,
Whose sunny temperament
Makes studying a pleasure,
Preventing discontent.

Lecturer is like Fall,
With methods crisp and clear,
Lessons of bright colors
And a happy atmosphere.

Lecturer is like Winter,
While it’s snowing hard outside,
Keeping students comfortable,
As a warm and helpful guide.

Lecturer, you do all these things,
With a pleasant attitude;
You’re a Lecturer for all seasons,
And you all have my gratitude!  

Finally, it is my last post for this blog… I really sure that I’m going to miss Miss Zu because I like the way she teach us and to me Miss Zu are the one of the best lecturer for this semester..Good Bye!!!!! Assalammualaikum…..T.T

18 September 2012 (Tuesday)..”^;^”..


    HALLO buddys!!!! Firstly I want to say that this is my second last class for bel 311 and this also is the last activity for this bel 311 class. So I feel so sad because this class is very interesting and joyful. But, I still want to write about my last activity in class. Today, we study about “MAKING INFERENCE”
This is important for our final exam. Do you know what inference is????

ž  Inferences are often referred to as what you “read between the lines.”
ž  The meaning is really found “between your ears.”
ž  Inferences are what the author implies or suggests.
ž  The author wants you, the reader, to make the jump to the same conclusion the author has made.
ž  When the author implies something, the reader has to infer.

I have another technique that maybe can help you:
ž  While you read, your inside voice:
  Makes guesses
  Finds connecting points
  Asks questions
  Makes predictions
  Personalizes the reading
  Uses background knowledge to interpret

The activity for today is Miss Zu want us to play a games. For the first games, Miss Zu has given us a piece of paper with contains a clue, we need to find a culprit for that cases. Second games is, we have to guess what will happen from the video that we watch..

                       This is the video that we need to guess....  


                                                ...To be continued...:D

11 September 2012 (Tuesday)..”^;^”..


Hye guys!!!!!... do you still remember about my last blog about the discussion essay that I have to made from the movie ‘TAKEN’..Have you watched that movie?????....

Ok, today, my group has been chosen to be the first presenter for today..”dup,dap,dup,dap” said my heart…he3..we have to present about the paragraph we wrote. Firdhaus will present about the introduction and conclusion, Amirul will present about the first paragraph, Megat will present the third paragraph, I will present the fourth paragraph, and Ameer will present the fifth paragraph. We had decided to choose pattern 3 for our pattern of essay. For my presentation, I am the only person that wrote less than my group member,, sorry guys,, I did not have any idea to write it..my point is human trafficking will not only affect the economy of a country but it also resulted in violence against women, but unfortunately, Miss Zu not satisfied with my writing because I do not have enough evidence for my statement. So, I have to change it a little bit and add some more evidence on it. Because of some mistake of our group we just get 6 around of 10….:(

                     This is my group member

          Everyone give 100% of their attention..:P

Ouh...I think i want to go to the toilet. i have some "BUSINESS" to settle..bye.....see yaa!!!!

…To be continued…:D

10 September 2012 (Monday)..”^;^”..


Assalammualaikum!!!!!..... for today class of bel 311. We going to watch a  “MOVIE!!!!!!!”….”YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!”…. I  have been waiting for this moment for a long time so, it is time to relaxing my mind while watching movie… “TAKEN”..yeah…that is the title of the movie that I watch… it sound like BORING!!! Right, but it is an interesting movie. This movie is about "HUMAN TRAFFICKING".This is the synopsis of this movie:

Seventeen year-old Kim is the pride and joy of her father Bryan Mills. Bryan is a retired agent who left the Central Intelligence Agency to be near Kim in California. Kim lives with her mother Lenore and her wealthy stepfather Stuart. Kim manages to convince her reluctant father to allow her to travel to Paris with her friend Amanda. When the girls arrive in Paris they share a cab with a stranger named Peter, and Amanda lets it slip that they are alone in Paris. Using this information an Albanian gang of human traffickers kidnaps the girls. Kim barely has time to call her father and give him information. Her father gets to speak briefly to one of the kidnappers and he promises to kill the kidnappers if they do not let his daughter go free. The kidnapper wishes him "good luck," so Bryan Mills travels to Paris to search for his daughter and her friend

Unfortunately, after watching this movie, Miss Zu ask us to make a Discussion essay and submit to him tomorrow and we also must do a presentation about our discussion essay in front of the class. Luckily Firdhaus, one of my group members had watch this movie before, so we can refer to him about this movie…

That’s all for today, see you soon buddy!!!!!!!Assalammualaikum….:D

                                          …To be continued…:D

3 September 2012 (Monday)..”^;^”..


Hye guys!!!!! Today I want to share about my Bel 311 class for today….

Actually, today each of members of this class must show their blog because Miss Zu wants to see it. But, when we entered to the class, we see the table that have been arrange in front of the class, “oh god!!!!! Today we have to do a speaking test????... Oh man!!!!” … when everybody have take their seat, Miss Zu started the class, and she said today, we will do a speaking practice for the truth speaking test on TOMORROW”….in my mind..”What!!!!!! Tomorrow!!!!! Ouch… I am not ready yet” This bad news is getting worse when Miss Zu call my group as a second group to do this speaking practice….”OMG!!!!!”…..

Back to our topic… for today, Miss Zu has pick Megat’s group to be a model. This activity is important to make us know how the flow of the test is going on. This is the topic:
“Malaysians are generally not punctual, and this bad habit is often seen when they attend formal function. However, punctuality is a good habit that should be cultivated. Discuss ways Malaysians can overcome this Problem of being habitually late. Decide one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give    
                                                    reasons for your choice(s)”.

I think I have to ended this writing because….. I’m hungry!!!! Hehehehe..



                  ...To be continued...:D

28 August 2012 (Tuesday)...”^;^”..


Assalammualaikum to all the reader, hope you are in a good condition and happy always like me…heheheheh…^o0^V..
For today, I like to share to all of you my second speaking activity for Bel 311 class, Miss Zu entered the class with very big smile, and suddenly!!...”Ok guys today we will make a second speaking activity which is, we will do a FORUM!!!”, Miss Zu said…

 ”WHAT????, a speaking activity again????? OH MAN!!“… Miss Zu has give us a poster and she also ask us to make a promotion about the movie base on the poster that she give during the forum,
So my team must promote the cartoon 3D movie which is “Happy Feet 2”, have you ever watch this movie?? ,after a discussion, we decide to choose Qistina as a host for the forum, Ainol Nadhirah as a Director, Farhana as a Producer,and for the two more character is Alya as a Pinggulina and me as a Pingguarn. Hehehehe… so, during the forum I have to make penguin voice, it sound very bizarre when I make a penguin voice..hahahaha…After the forum was end, everyone seem very happy and enjoy with the activity, at the same time, we also had improve our confident when speaking in front of other people, and this activity also work as our practice for speaking test.

                                                     …To be continued…:D

27 August 2012 (Monday)..”^;^”..


Hey guys!!!!! SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!!! So, how about your celebration for Hari Raya?? If anyone lost her/his finger because of playing firework like “Mercun Bola or Meriam Buluh” ??...hahahaha, just kidding…:D
Ok, today I want to share about the knowledge that I get from my evening class for bel 311, as you know, from my previous post, every Monday, we will do a writing exercise and for today, we have to write about “Argumentative essay” and also the hardest type of essay as compare to compare and contrast cause and effect, and problem solving that have been did from the previous class and Miss Zu make it more harder when she want we write this type of essay alone without partner or group. Arguments arise when there are differing views on a particular topic or issue. This makes the topic controversial people argue in order to persuade others to change or compromise their position on a certain topic. An argument can therefore de define as ‘a well-structured, well-reasoned, and well-supported point of view on a controversial topic in order to make the other party agree with you’.  

The language that you can use in argumentative essay to help your readers follow your argument:
Language expression
To present your ideas
-To begin with,
-Another reason,
To point out opposing arguments
-Those who disagree,
-Those who assert that…,
-Some people say that…,
-Some people believe that…
To present opposing ideas
-On the other hand,
To compromise
-They have a point I thinking that way. However,
What they say might be true. Nonetheless
To disagree totally
-The evidence provided here proves that everyone should disagree with this (opposing) view.

                                                                                   …To be continued…:D