11 September 2012 (Tuesday)..”^;^”..


Hye guys!!!!!... do you still remember about my last blog about the discussion essay that I have to made from the movie ‘TAKEN’..Have you watched that movie?????....

Ok, today, my group has been chosen to be the first presenter for today..”dup,dap,dup,dap” said my heart…he3..we have to present about the paragraph we wrote. Firdhaus will present about the introduction and conclusion, Amirul will present about the first paragraph, Megat will present the third paragraph, I will present the fourth paragraph, and Ameer will present the fifth paragraph. We had decided to choose pattern 3 for our pattern of essay. For my presentation, I am the only person that wrote less than my group member,, sorry guys,, I did not have any idea to write it..my point is human trafficking will not only affect the economy of a country but it also resulted in violence against women, but unfortunately, Miss Zu not satisfied with my writing because I do not have enough evidence for my statement. So, I have to change it a little bit and add some more evidence on it. Because of some mistake of our group we just get 6 around of 10….:(

                     This is my group member

          Everyone give 100% of their attention..:P

Ouh...I think i want to go to the toilet. i have some "BUSINESS" to settle..bye.....see yaa!!!!

…To be continued…:D

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