18 September 2012 (Tuesday)..”^;^”..


    HALLO buddys!!!! Firstly I want to say that this is my second last class for bel 311 and this also is the last activity for this bel 311 class. So I feel so sad because this class is very interesting and joyful. But, I still want to write about my last activity in class. Today, we study about “MAKING INFERENCE”
This is important for our final exam. Do you know what inference is????

ž  Inferences are often referred to as what you “read between the lines.”
ž  The meaning is really found “between your ears.”
ž  Inferences are what the author implies or suggests.
ž  The author wants you, the reader, to make the jump to the same conclusion the author has made.
ž  When the author implies something, the reader has to infer.

I have another technique that maybe can help you:
ž  While you read, your inside voice:
  Makes guesses
  Finds connecting points
  Asks questions
  Makes predictions
  Personalizes the reading
  Uses background knowledge to interpret

The activity for today is Miss Zu want us to play a games. For the first games, Miss Zu has given us a piece of paper with contains a clue, we need to find a culprit for that cases. Second games is, we have to guess what will happen from the video that we watch..

                       This is the video that we need to guess....  


                                                ...To be continued...:D

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