28 August 2012 (Tuesday)...”^;^”..


Assalammualaikum to all the reader, hope you are in a good condition and happy always like me…heheheheh…^o0^V..
For today, I like to share to all of you my second speaking activity for Bel 311 class, Miss Zu entered the class with very big smile, and suddenly!!...”Ok guys today we will make a second speaking activity which is, we will do a FORUM!!!”, Miss Zu said…

 ”WHAT????, a speaking activity again????? OH MAN!!“… Miss Zu has give us a poster and she also ask us to make a promotion about the movie base on the poster that she give during the forum,
So my team must promote the cartoon 3D movie which is “Happy Feet 2”, have you ever watch this movie?? ,after a discussion, we decide to choose Qistina as a host for the forum, Ainol Nadhirah as a Director, Farhana as a Producer,and for the two more character is Alya as a Pinggulina and me as a Pingguarn. Hehehehe… so, during the forum I have to make penguin voice, it sound very bizarre when I make a penguin voice..hahahaha…After the forum was end, everyone seem very happy and enjoy with the activity, at the same time, we also had improve our confident when speaking in front of other people, and this activity also work as our practice for speaking test.

                                                     …To be continued…:D

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