27 August 2012 (Monday)..”^;^”..


Hey guys!!!!! SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!!! So, how about your celebration for Hari Raya?? If anyone lost her/his finger because of playing firework like “Mercun Bola or Meriam Buluh” ??...hahahaha, just kidding…:D
Ok, today I want to share about the knowledge that I get from my evening class for bel 311, as you know, from my previous post, every Monday, we will do a writing exercise and for today, we have to write about “Argumentative essay” and also the hardest type of essay as compare to compare and contrast cause and effect, and problem solving that have been did from the previous class and Miss Zu make it more harder when she want we write this type of essay alone without partner or group. Arguments arise when there are differing views on a particular topic or issue. This makes the topic controversial people argue in order to persuade others to change or compromise their position on a certain topic. An argument can therefore de define as ‘a well-structured, well-reasoned, and well-supported point of view on a controversial topic in order to make the other party agree with you’.  

The language that you can use in argumentative essay to help your readers follow your argument:
Language expression
To present your ideas
-To begin with,
-Another reason,
To point out opposing arguments
-Those who disagree,
-Those who assert that…,
-Some people say that…,
-Some people believe that…
To present opposing ideas
-On the other hand,
To compromise
-They have a point I thinking that way. However,
What they say might be true. Nonetheless
To disagree totally
-The evidence provided here proves that everyone should disagree with this (opposing) view.

                                                                                   …To be continued…:D

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