14 August 2012 (Tuesday)..”^;^”..

Assalammualaikum to all the reader, today is my last class of bel 311 and also my last post for this fasting month because, TOMORROW NIGHT I want to go back to my hometown for “HARI RAYA CELEBRATION!!!!!!!”…..h0h0h0..:D
What I want to share to all my beloved reader today is “Group Discussion Test”. This group discussion test has a little bit different from speaking test that we take on subject Bel in part 1 and part 2, because this discussion do not have CANDIDATE, so everyone can say what they want to say depends on their points . 
Do you want to know the instruction?? Hah, what?? You did not want to know that?? Please do not lie to me; I know you really want to know, right?? I know la, because you are so busy body…hahahaha, just joking..

The instruction are:
1)  Study the stimulus or topic given (1 minute).
2)  You are given 5 minute to prepare points to support or oppose the other candidates’ views.
3)  You group is given 20 minutes for the discussion.
4)  Listen to other while they are making their presentation and take down notes for argument.
5)  After you have listened to everyone, try to come to 
   a decision as tp which of the suggestion is the best 
  (when the lecturer say you have 40 seconds to end 
  the discussion = serve as well like a conclusion to put closure to the discussion)

So, I end my writing here because I think better I start to packaging my stuff now….SO…I want to say “SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN!!!!!!!!” and REMEMBER!!!!! Do not play a “FIREWORKS”……byebye..:D

                                                  ...To be cuntinued...:D

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