3 September 2012 (Monday)..”^;^”..


Hye guys!!!!! Today I want to share about my Bel 311 class for today….

Actually, today each of members of this class must show their blog because Miss Zu wants to see it. But, when we entered to the class, we see the table that have been arrange in front of the class, “oh god!!!!! Today we have to do a speaking test????... Oh man!!!!” … when everybody have take their seat, Miss Zu started the class, and she said today, we will do a speaking practice for the truth speaking test on TOMORROW”….in my mind..”What!!!!!! Tomorrow!!!!! Ouch… I am not ready yet” This bad news is getting worse when Miss Zu call my group as a second group to do this speaking practice….”OMG!!!!!”…..

Back to our topic… for today, Miss Zu has pick Megat’s group to be a model. This activity is important to make us know how the flow of the test is going on. This is the topic:
“Malaysians are generally not punctual, and this bad habit is often seen when they attend formal function. However, punctuality is a good habit that should be cultivated. Discuss ways Malaysians can overcome this Problem of being habitually late. Decide one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give    
                                                    reasons for your choice(s)”.

I think I have to ended this writing because….. I’m hungry!!!! Hehehehe..



                  ...To be continued...:D

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