3 July 2012 (Tuesday)..”^;^”..


Assalammualikum…..today, we had learnt about the different between FACT & OPINION. It seem easy right??? You will change your mind when youread this,, actually it is more easier than it looks. hehehehehehe…..:D
A FACT is a statement that can be proven by direct experience or objective verification. This evidence may be in the form of the testimony of witnesses, agreed-upon, observation, the written records of such testimony and observation, or the result of research or investigation. In the order hand, an OPINION is a statement of belief or judgment that cannot be objectively proven true or false. Opinion usually expresses the feelings, preference or biases that a person has about a subject. 

This is the link, if you want to do some exercise for this lesson, that's all for today....see you on the next post ya!!!!!!

                                                  ...To be continued...:D

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