24 July 2012 (Tuesday)..”^;^”..


HALLO!!!!!! Today’s class we learnt about CAUSE & EFFECT ESSAY. Firstly we are divided into 5 group, and we have to choose what number that we want from screen and after that, Miss Zu will show us a video, so we need to make an essay about cause and effect depending on the video given. 
Owh wait…. I forgot to tell you a little bit about cause-effect essay. In this kind of essay, the aim is to explain the causes (reasons) or the effects (results) of an event or situation and the format is the cause and effect of given or situation need to be clearly identified so that the idea do not overlap. In order to do this, the main points need to be classified as main causes or effects, while the supporting detail serve as secondary causes or effects. Language expression:

Language expression
To denote cause
Due to, owing to, as a result, because, since, now that, one cause is
To denote effect
As a result, foe the reason, eventually, accordingly, for this purpose

Everyone is happy along this activity, but I have worsened the situation in my group because I accidentally delete all paragraphs that have been completed. So, I feel so guilty to my group, fortunately, my friends and Miss zu not angry with me… thanks’ guys……T.T……

                                                       …To be continued…:D

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