23 July 2012 (Tuesday)..”^;^”..


Good evening guys!!!!!! How are you???. Actually every Monday, Miss Zu will ask us to make some writing activity, so, it goes same to today. Today’s class we learnt about how to write the introduction; the function & techniques.

1)  The functions of the introduction are;
-  It attract the reader’s interest to co ntinue reading the essay/ get  the readers’ attention
-  It supplies background information needed to understand the essay
Set tone for the rest of the essay

2)  The technique in writing introduction:
-  Begins with a broad, general statement of your topic and narrow down to your thesis statement/funnel.
-  Using fact or statistic.
Start with an idea or situation that is the opposite of the one you want to develop/ contrast to the thesis statement/turnabout.
-  Explain the importance of your topic to the reader/use current events.
-  Use an incident or brief story or personal example/observation.
-  Ask rhetorical question.
-  Use a quotation.
Using definition.

If you want to know more about how to write the introduction you can visit this link:
                                                 ..To be continued…:D

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