19 July 2012 (Thursday)..”^;^”..


Hye guys!!!! Today I want to share about how to make a thesis statement. Firstly, do you want to know what the definition of thesis statement is?? Ok.. A thesis statement is a single sentence, preferably a simple declarative sentence, which expresses the basic idea around which the paper will develop. In a simple word, thesis statement shows what our essay is all about.

In this class, Miss Zu asked us to make our thesis statement for our term paper. So, Firdhaus and I had given our own idea and we try to compare to make a good thesis statement. For your information, I take about one hour to finish it, just a thesis statement….hahaha,, seem easy right?? But, it is quite stressful actually. Fuhhhhh….but finally we have successfully made our thesis statement.
This is my work after one hour…hehehehe…..

Making students too obsessive, procrastinating, and leading to aggressive behaviors are the impacts of the online game addiction that is cause by the reason to release stress, the sense of fulfilling the satisfaction of gaming and also being anti social through playing online game”

So, that’s all for today……do not forget to wash your feet before you go to sleep…..hehehehehe….

                                                    …To be continued…:D

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