16 July 2012 (Monday)..”^;^”..


Hye guys!!!!! Today I am not very well, but I still want to share to all my beloved follower of my blog….hehehehehe….:D
Today’s class, we learn about some basic essay format and how to make a thesis statement, this activity also act as a guideline for our assignment which is term paper. We must really understand about this learning because this can help us to finishes our term paper assignment.

This is the basic essay format:

Thesis statement:
-      There are two ways to write a thesis statement:
1)  General thesis statement.
a.  You can use words that are general (big & broad)
b.  The most preferred due to the word limitation in your writing
c.   Example: there are many ways that you can do to eliminate your stress in working.
>many ways- jogging, walking, eating, sleeping, laughing…. (choose only three)

2)  Specific thesis statement
a.  If you are writing foe an essay competition, you may want use this type of thesis statement
b.  Limited by the number of words
c.   List down your topic sentence in the thesis statement
d.  Example: the villagers love their village because it is so peaceful, their village is not polluted and their village is surrounded by trees

So, what are you waiting for???? lets write an essay!!!!! hehehe..bye2

                                   ...To be continued...:D

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