26 July 2012 (Thusday).. “^;^”..


Hallo gang!!!!!! For today’s class, we learnt about what is the function and technique in writing a conclusion. So,.. ENJOY!!!!!

Function of the conclusion:
1)  Serves as a reminder to the reader of your thesis idea and bring the paper to a natural and graceful end (except for argumentative genre)..
2)   Serves as a reminder to the reader of your thesis and bring the paper to a convincing end of you stand stated earlier in the thesis (for argumentative genre)

Technique in writing conclusion:
1)  End with a summary and final thought; essay of a three-step formula- tell them what you are going to tell them (thesis), tell them (details), tell them what you have told them (conclusion).

2)  Include a thought provoking question or short series of questions; grabs attention, directs reader to think further, of logic points made earlier in the paper, cover any of these – why the topic is important, what might happen in the future, what should be done about the topic, what choices are there – closely related to thesis.

3)  End with a prediction or recommendation; states what may happen in the future or to suggest what should be done with a situation or a problem – closely related to thesis.

I hope that you guys can understand about what I try to tell you guys, the important thing is PRACTICE, remember “practice make perfect”.
SEE YAAA!!!!!!Assalammualaikum…..

                                               ...To be continued...:D

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