31 July 2012 (Tuesday)..”^;^”..

Hi gang!!!!!!!. Today’s post is all about speaking activity, actually I did not really like this activity because I have to speak English, as you all know, my English not so good compered to the others“OH MY ENGLISH!!!!!” hahaha…like that la…
Ok as usual, we need to form a group and had to make a FORUM, 

This is the instruction:   
ž  This discussion is to be conducted on a forum basis
ž  One member will be the compeer/host and the rest will be the panel members
ž  The group needs to discuss the reasons, effects and suggest solutions for the issue at hand.
ž  You can use the internet to get as much information as possible to help you in the discussion.

And this is the question for my group:
ž  “As Malaysia continues to develop at a fast pace, the consumption of electricity in the country increases as well.  How can the Malaysian public reduce their consumption of electricity?  Suggest the most effective ways of conserving electricity.  Give reasons for your choice.”

Base on our discussion, I have to be a principle who wants to apply the attitude of electric saving on my student at school. And as a principle, I have to find the way to reduce the electric usage. So, I come out with 4 ideas, which is, create a student energy club, assign classroom responsibilities that involve conserving electricity, assign student a project that entails energy-related poster, and create a list of ways to conserve electricity at school.

                                                  … To be continued…:D

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