2 August 2012 (Tuesday) ..”^;^”..


Hello peeps!!! Today I want to share to all of you about how to find main idea in passages. The main idea of a passage is the thought that is present from the beginning to the end. In findings the main idea, 

you must ask yourself these question:
-      What idea is common to most of the text?
-      What is the idea that relates the parts to the whole?
-      What opinion do all the parts support?

Rules for findings the topic sentence:
1)  The topic sentence is usually first, but could be in any position in the paragraph.
2)  A topic is usually more "general" than the other sentences, that is, it talks about many things and looks at the big picture. Sometimes it refers to more than one thing. Plurals and the words "many", "numerous", or "several" often signal a topic sentence.
3)  Detail sentences are usually more "specific" than the topic, that is, they usually talk about one single or small part or side of an idea. Also, the words "for example", "i.e.", "that is", "first", "second", "third", etc., and "finally" often signal a detail.
4)  Most of the detail sentences support, give examples, prove, talk about, or point toward the topic in some way.

So, that’s all that I have learn today, and I hope you can absorb this knowledge…
I want to go to toilet for a while, and I think I better stop this post here….byebye…
“Owhhhhh,,,, my stomach!!!!!!”……………..

                                               …To be continued…:D

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