25 June 2012 (Monday)..”^;^”..


Hye!!!!!! Are you still in the pink of heart? I hope the answer 
will be “YES”

       Do you know,what is PLAGIARISM before this???...plagiarsm is defined as taking in part or in whole someone else’s words, writting, research, ideas, artwork, music, or other creative efforts and passing it off as one’s without giving due credit to the originator.Nowadays, PLAGIARISM phenomena become main problem among the lecturer because, student now prefer to do plagiarism rather than their own work.This is because,they think that this is the easier ways to finished thier work so,they can focuss on the things that they like to do,like play game or hangout with their friend.There are several tips to avoid plagiarism that I want to share to all my beloved reader...:

       1)  PARAPHRASE
Never use someone else’s word, write everything in your own words as you understand it.The best way to do this is to go through the required reading material and then put it all away when you start writting.....

If you need to use what someone else has written or said in your writting, write their exact words and put them in quotation marks.If you are omitting certain section,put .... in between words to indicate this...

You can either write ‘ According to professor so-and so....’ or  ‘professor so-and-so state that...’ or you can provide links to websites ou have referred to or you can list the sources after your article or do all the above..

If you have to meet a deadline,start work early.So you have plenty of time to research and write.Lack of time is one reason many people (especially students) intentionally or inintentionally plagiarize..

In conclusion,plagiarism is a difficult disease to treat.However,this problem will be solved if student’s attitudes can be changed,so that more attention to their own work........:D



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