-That's Shocking-

14 June 2012 (Thursday)..’’^;^’’..


Assalammualaikum to all the reader,hope that you still interested with my writting.Ok,this time I will share to all of you the most happening day in the class Bel 311 compared to the previous class.....
       As usual,I excited to entered class Bell 311,I walk into the class with hope that today gonna be more fun than the previous class,BUT!!!...I see Miss Zu walking into the class with the face of fierce reaction,not as usual..I become worried and said in my heart..”Why she looks so fierce today?.I better shut my mouth during the class or she will scold at me..”.She very angry about student that did not come to her class on Tuesday and she also very strictly about attendence,,suddenly his mood change,he told us to take out a piece of paper then write 3 fact about ourself that can make other people shock in that paper...

3 fact that people did not know about me is:

*      I kicked a BMW 7 series boot because the owner kicked my cat..
*      I punch my best friend face because he make me shock..
*      I pull my teacher’s chair when he want to sit down..

After that Miss Zu ask us to fold that paper until it be airplane looks a like then we have to fly it around the class and we must take other poeple plane and read the fact,the other classmate must have to guess who is the person base on the fact that given.Fun right? absolutely right.This game is very interesting,I am very enjoy with this game........:D

<---This is my airplane paper...
      "wooaaarrhhhh,what a 
       beautiful plane"

This is me and Firdhaus,
can you guess,which
one is me and which    ----->
one is Firdhaus?

       Fuhhhh!!!!! My eyes cannot stand anymore because my wacth is alredy at 2 a.m. and my mind cannot think anymore..urmmm....I just remember what my mom has told me,it sound like this...”Appie(my mom call me Appie),make sure you take enough sleep ya,do not do a assingment or anything until late night”..aaaaa..something like that la.....So,Good Night everyone,se you on my next post...”woooooaaaaaarrrrrhhhhhh”....

                                           ...To be continued...:D

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